Android Beacon Library

An Android library providing APIs to interact with Beacons

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Using Autobind APIs

Library versions 2.19+ simplify setup with an “autobind” mechanism that removes the need to “bind” to the beacon scanning service before starting beacon ranging and monitoirng. As a result of these changes, direct calls to bind(), unbind(), the use of BeaconConsumer, and calls to methods that start/stop ranging/monitoring that rely on binding are all deprecated.

Calls to RegionBootstrap and use of BootstrapNotiifer are similarly deprecated

Direct calls to BackgroundPowerSaver are deprecated as the new autobind APIs automatically instantiate an instance of BackgroundPowerSaver

Migrating code that uses BeaconConsumer and direct calls to bind/unbind

If you have existing code that uses the deprecated BeaconConsumer you need to:


class MainActivity : Activity(), BeaconConsumer, RangeNotifier, MonitorNotifier {
  override fun onCreate() {
    val beaconManager = BeaconManager.getInstanceForApplication(this)
  fun onBeaconServiceConnect() {
    try {
    catch (RemoteException e) {}
    try {
    catch (RemoteException e) {}


class MainActivity : Activity(), RangeNotifier, MonitorNotifier {
  override fun onCreate() {
    val beaconManager = BeaconManager.getInstanceForApplication(this)

Migrating code that uses RegionBoostrap and BootstrapNotifier

class MyApplication : Application(), BootstrapNotifier {
  var regionBoostrap: RegionBoostrap? = null
  override fun onCreate() {
    regionBootstrap = RegionBootstrap(this, region)


class MyApplication : Application(), MonitorNotifier {
  override fun onCreate() {
    val beaconManager = BeaconManager.getInstanceForApplication(this)

See the secion below regarding the initial background state depending on where you put the initial call to startMonitoring

Migrating code that uses BackgroundPowerSaver

Two steps:

  1. Delete any references to BackgroundPowerSaver
  2. Switch to using the autobind methods startRangingBeacons(...) and startMontioring(...) that automatically construct a BackgroundPowerSaver internally if one does not yet exist.

There are subtle changes with the initial background state when using autobind. If you use autobind methods to start ranging or monitoring from Application.onCreate or any method in its call stack, then the library will start scanning in background mode. If you initiate scanning at any other time (from a custom service or from an activity or fragment) then the library will start out in foreground mode provided that the screen is on. Previously, the library always started out in foreground mode unless using RegionBootstrap, in which case it started out in background mode.

Migrating code that manually changes background mode

` Apps that manually change background mode with calls to setBackgroundMode(...) will no longer be able to do so with the new autobind methods as the library will override the background mode with automatic switching. Consider removing these calls and use the autobind methods that allow the library to automatically switch between background and foreground mode. If the goal is to standardize the scan periods between foreground and background, you may set those scan periods to be the same so it doesn’t matter whether the library is in foreground or background mode.

Why is this changing?

Two reasons: simplicity and clarity

Simplicity: Requiring manual calls to bind/unbind is unintuitive, as no requivalent for similar APIs on iOS, and is a frequent source of bugs. App code is much simpler without this.`

Clarity: The whole idea of binding to a scanning service assumes there is an Android service doing the scanning. But as of Android 8, that is often not the case, as the library’s default way of doing scans in with the job scheduler. It just doesn’t make sense anymore for default operation of this library. The use of “magic” utlity classes like RegionBootsrap confuses things further, when the regular monitoring APIs work fine for setting up brackground detections.

What if I want to stop scanning with unbind?

The library will automatically stop scanning when there is no monitoring or ranging active. Simply call stopRangingBeacons(region) and stopMonitoring(region) for all regions and scanning will stop just as if you had manually called unbind()

If you do not explicitly make calls to stop ranging/monitoring, it will continue when the app goes to the background at a reduced scanning duty cycle, but only if the user has granted permission for background location access on newer Android versions. This is similar to how equivalent iOS APIs work.

When will deprecated methods, classes and interfaces be removed?

Deprecated methods will be removed in the 3.0 release of the library. Library versions 2.x wil continue to work with deprecated methods, although their use is now discouraged and support is ending.