Package org.altbeacon.beacon
See: Description
Class Summary Class Description BleNotAvailableException Indicates that Bluetooth Low Energy is not available on this device Identifier Encapsulates a beacon identifier of arbitrary byte length. Region This class represents a criteria of fields used to match beacons. BeaconTransmitter Provides a mechanism for transmitting as a beacon. BeaconIntentProcessor Converts internal intents to notifier callbacks This is used with the BeaconService and supports scanning in a separate process. Builder Builder class for Beacon objects. Beacon The Beacon
class represents a single hardware Beacon detected by an Android device.BeaconLocalBroadcastProcessor Converts internal intents to notifier callbacks This is used with ScanJob and supports delivering intents even under Android O background restrictions preventing starting a new IntentService. ServiceNotDeclaredException BeaconManager A class used to set up interaction with beacons and start/stop beacon ranging/monitoring. BeaconLayoutException BeaconParser Created by dyoung on 7/21/14. Builder Builder class for AltBeacon objects. AltBeacon The AltBeacon
class represents a single hardware AltBeacon detected by an Android device.IntentHandler Converts internal Intents for ranging/monitoring to notifier callbacks. AltBeaconParser A specific beacon parser designed to parse only AltBeacons from raw BLE packets detected by Android. RegionViewModel -
Interface Summary Interface Description RangeNotifier This interface is implemented by classes that receive beacon ranging notifications BeaconData Server-side data associated with a beacon. BeaconDataNotifier Notifies when server-side beacon data are available from a web service. InternalBeaconConsumer MonitorNotifier This interface is implemented by classes that receive beacon monitoring notifications BeaconConsumer An interface for an Android Activity
that wants to interact with beacons.