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BackgroundPowerSaver - class in org.altbeacon.beacon.powersave
Simply creating an instance of this class and holding a reference to it in your Application can improve battery life by 60% by slowing down scans when your app is in the background.
BackgroundPowerSaverInternal - class in org.altbeacon.beacon.powersave
Beacon - class in org.altbeacon.beacon
The Beacon class represents a single hardware Beacon detected by an Android device.
Beacon.Builder - class in org.altbeacon.beacon.Beacon
Builder class for Beacon objects.
BeaconConsumer - class in org.altbeacon.beacon
An interface for an Android Activity or Service that wants to interact with beacons.
BeaconData - class in org.altbeacon.beacon
Server-side data associated with a beacon.
BeaconDataFactory - class in org.altbeacon.beacon.client
This can be configured for the public beacon data store, or a private beacon data store.
BeaconDataNotifier - class in org.altbeacon.beacon
Notifies when server-side beacon data are available from a web service.
beaconDataUpdate(Beacon,BeaconData,DataProviderException) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.BeaconDataNotifier
This method is called after a request to get or sync beacon data If fetching data was successful, the data is returned and the exception is null.
BeaconIntentProcessor - class in org.altbeacon.beacon
Converts internal intents to notifier callbacks This is used with the BeaconService and supports scanning in a separate process.
BeaconLocalBroadcastProcessor - class in org.altbeacon.beacon
Converts internal intents to notifier callbacks This is used with ScanJob and supports delivering intents even under Android O background restrictions preventing starting a new IntentService.
BeaconManager - class in org.altbeacon.beacon
A class used to set up interaction with beacons and start/stop beacon ranging/monitoring.
BeaconManager.ServiceNotDeclaredException - class in org.altbeacon.beacon.BeaconManager
BeaconParser - class in org.altbeacon.beacon
Created by dyoung on 7/21/14.
BeaconParser.BeaconLayoutException - class in org.altbeacon.beacon.BeaconParser
BeaconService - class in org.altbeacon.beacon.service
BeaconService.BeaconBinder - class in org.altbeacon.beacon.service.BeaconService
Class used for the client Binder.
BeaconSimulator - class in org.altbeacon.beacon.simulator
Created by dyoung on 4/18/14.
BeaconTransmitter - class in org.altbeacon.beacon
Provides a mechanism for transmitting as a beacon.
bind(BeaconConsumer) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.BeaconManager
Binds an Android Activity or Service to the BeaconService.
bindInternal(InternalBeaconConsumer) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.BeaconManager
bindIsolatedService(Intent,int,String,Executor,ServiceConnection) - function in android.content.BluetoothTestJob
bindIsolatedService(Intent,int,String,Executor,ServiceConnection) - function in android.content.BeaconIntentProcessor
bindIsolatedService(Intent,int,String,Executor,ServiceConnection) - function in android.content.ScanJob
bindIsolatedService(Intent,int,String,Executor,ServiceConnection) - function in android.content.BeaconService
bindService(Intent,ServiceConnection,int) - function in android.content.BluetoothTestJob
bindService(Intent,ServiceConnection,int) - function in android.content.BeaconIntentProcessor
bindService(Intent,ServiceConnection,int) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.InternalBeaconConsumer
Called by the BeaconManager to bind your BeaconConsumer to the BeaconService.
bindService(Intent,ServiceConnection,int) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.BeaconConsumer
Called by the BeaconManager to bind your BeaconConsumer to the BeaconService.
bindService(Intent,ServiceConnection,int) - function in android.content.ScanJob
bindService(Intent,ServiceConnection,int) - function in android.content.BeaconService
bindServiceAsUser(Intent,ServiceConnection,int,UserHandle) - function in android.content.BluetoothTestJob
bindServiceAsUser(Intent,ServiceConnection,int,UserHandle) - function in android.content.BeaconIntentProcessor
bindServiceAsUser(Intent,ServiceConnection,int,UserHandle) - function in android.content.ScanJob
bindServiceAsUser(Intent,ServiceConnection,int,UserHandle) - function in android.content.BeaconService
BleAdvertisement - class in org.altbeacon.bluetooth
Parses a byte array representing a BLE advertisement into a number of "Payload Data Units" (PDUs).
BleNotAvailableException - class in org.altbeacon.beacon
Indicates that Bluetooth Low Energy is not available on this device
BluetoothCrashResolver - class in org.altbeacon.bluetooth
This class provides relief for Android Bug 67272.
BluetoothCrashResolver.UpdateNotifier - class in org.altbeacon.bluetooth.BluetoothCrashResolver
BluetoothMedic - class in org.altbeacon.bluetooth
Utility class for checking the health of the bluetooth stack on the device by running two kinds of tests: scanning and transmitting.
BluetoothTestJob - class in org.altbeacon.bluetooth
BootstrapNotifier - class in org.altbeacon.beacon.startup
build() - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.Beacon.Builder
Builds an instance of this beacon based on parameters set in the Builder
build() - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.AltBeacon.Builder
Builds an instance of this beacon based on parameters set in the Builder
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