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d(String,String,Array) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.logging.Logger
Send a debug log message.
d(Throwable,String,String,Array) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.logging.Logger
Send a debug log message.
d(String,String,Array) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.logging.LogManager
Send a debug log message to the logger.
d(Throwable,String,String,Array) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.logging.LogManager
Send a debug log message to the logger.
databaseList() - function in android.content.BluetoothTestJob
databaseList() - function in android.content.BeaconIntentProcessor
databaseList() - function in android.content.ScanJob
databaseList() - function in android.content.BeaconService
DataProviderException - class in org.altbeacon.beacon.client
dataUpdated() - function in org.altbeacon.bluetooth.BluetoothCrashResolver.UpdateNotifier
deleteDatabase(String) - function in android.content.BluetoothTestJob
deleteDatabase(String) - function in android.content.BeaconIntentProcessor
deleteDatabase(String) - function in android.content.ScanJob
deleteDatabase(String) - function in android.content.BeaconService
deleteFile(String) - function in android.content.BluetoothTestJob
deleteFile(String) - function in android.content.BeaconIntentProcessor
deleteFile(String) - function in android.content.ScanJob
deleteFile(String) - function in android.content.BeaconService
deleteSharedPreferences(String) - function in android.content.BluetoothTestJob
deleteSharedPreferences(String) - function in android.content.BeaconIntentProcessor
deleteSharedPreferences(String) - function in android.content.ScanJob
deleteSharedPreferences(String) - function in android.content.BeaconService
describeContents() - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.Region
describeContents() - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.Beacon
Required for making object Parcelable
describeContents() - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.AltBeacon
Required for making object Parcelable
describeContents() - function in android.os.AltBeacon
describeContents() - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.service.StartRMData
destroy() - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.service.scanner.CycledLeScanner
destroy() - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.service.scanner.CycledLeScannerForJellyBeanMr2
destroy() - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.service.scanner.CycledLeScannerForLollipop
DetectionTracker - class in org.altbeacon.beacon.service
Created by dyoung on 1/10/15.
didDetermineStateForRegion(int,Region) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.MonitorNotifier
Called with a state value of MonitorNotifier.
didDetermineStateForRegion(int,Region) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.BootstrapNotifier
Called with a state value of MonitorNotifier.
didEnterRegion(Region) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.MonitorNotifier
Called when at least one beacon in a Region is visible.
didEnterRegion(Region) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.BootstrapNotifier
Called when at least one beacon in a Region is visible.
didExitRegion(Region) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.MonitorNotifier
Called when no beacons in a Region are visible.
didExitRegion(Region) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.BootstrapNotifier
Called when no beacons in a Region are visible.
didRangeBeaconsInRegion(Collection,Region) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.RangeNotifier
Called once per second to give an estimate of the mDistance to visible beacons
disable() - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.startup.RegionBootstrap
Used to disable additional bootstrap callbacks after the first is received.
disableDebug() - function in org.altbeacon.bluetooth.BluetoothCrashResolver
Disable debug logging.
disableForegroundServiceScanning() - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.BeaconManager
Disables a foreground scanning service, if previously configured.
DistanceCalculator - class in org.altbeacon.beacon.distance
Interface for a class that can estimate the distance between a mobile device and a beacon based on the measured RSSI and a reference txPower calibration value.
DistanceConfigFetcher - class in org.altbeacon.beacon.distance
Created by dyoung on 12/11/13.
DistinctPacketDetector - class in org.altbeacon.beacon.service.scanner
Created by dyoung on 4/8/17.
DozeDetector - class in org.altbeacon.beacon.utils
Utility class for detecting when an Android device enters and leaves various Doze modes April 02, 2019 (c) 2019 David G.
dump(FileDescriptor,Array) - function in android.os.BeaconService.BeaconBinder
dumpAsync(FileDescriptor,Array) - function in android.os.BeaconService.BeaconBinder
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