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e(String,String,Array) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.logging.Logger
Send a error log message.
e(Throwable,String,String,Array) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.logging.Logger
Send a error log message.
e(String,String,Array) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.logging.LogManager
Send a error log message to the logger.
e(Throwable,String,String,Array) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.logging.LogManager
Send a error log message to the logger.
EddystoneTelemetryAccessor - class in org.altbeacon.beacon.utils
Utility class for working beacons that include Eddystone-TLM (telemetry) information Created by dyoung on 12/21/15.
empty() - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.logging.Loggers
enableDebug() - function in org.altbeacon.bluetooth.BluetoothCrashResolver
Enable debug logging.
enableForegroundServiceScanning(Notification,int) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.BeaconManager
Configures the library to use a foreground service for bacon scanning.
enablePeriodicTests(Context,int) - function in org.altbeacon.bluetooth.BluetoothMedic
Calling this method starts a scheduled job that will run tests of the specified type to make sure bluetooth is OK and cycle power to bluetooth if needed and configured by enablePowerCycleOnFailures
enablePowerCycleOnFailures(Context) - function in org.altbeacon.bluetooth.BluetoothMedic
If set to true, bluetooth will be power cycled on any tests run that determine bluetooth is in a bad state.
enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(String,String) - function in android.content.BluetoothTestJob
enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(String,String) - function in android.content.BeaconIntentProcessor
enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(String,String) - function in android.content.ScanJob
enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(String,String) - function in android.content.BeaconService
enforceCallingOrSelfUriPermission(Uri,int,String) - function in android.content.BluetoothTestJob
enforceCallingOrSelfUriPermission(Uri,int,String) - function in android.content.BeaconIntentProcessor
enforceCallingOrSelfUriPermission(Uri,int,String) - function in android.content.ScanJob
enforceCallingOrSelfUriPermission(Uri,int,String) - function in android.content.BeaconService
enforceCallingPermission(String,String) - function in android.content.BluetoothTestJob
enforceCallingPermission(String,String) - function in android.content.BeaconIntentProcessor
enforceCallingPermission(String,String) - function in android.content.ScanJob
enforceCallingPermission(String,String) - function in android.content.BeaconService
enforceCallingUriPermission(Uri,int,String) - function in android.content.BluetoothTestJob
enforceCallingUriPermission(Uri,int,String) - function in android.content.BeaconIntentProcessor
enforceCallingUriPermission(Uri,int,String) - function in android.content.ScanJob
enforceCallingUriPermission(Uri,int,String) - function in android.content.BeaconService
enforcePermission(String,int,int,String) - function in android.content.BluetoothTestJob
enforcePermission(String,int,int,String) - function in android.content.BeaconIntentProcessor
enforcePermission(String,int,int,String) - function in android.content.ScanJob
enforcePermission(String,int,int,String) - function in android.content.BeaconService
enforceUriPermission(Uri,int,int,int,String) - function in android.content.BluetoothTestJob
enforceUriPermission(Uri,int,int,int,String) - function in android.content.BeaconIntentProcessor
enforceUriPermission(Uri,int,int,int,String) - function in android.content.ScanJob
enforceUriPermission(Uri,int,int,int,String) - function in android.content.BeaconService
ensureInitialized() - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.service.IntentScanStrategyCoordinator
equals(Object) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.Identifier
Returns whether both Identifiers contain equal value.
equals(Object) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.Region
equals(Object) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.Beacon
Two detected beacons are considered equal if they share the same three identifiers, regardless of their mDistance or RSSI.
equals(Object) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.BeaconParser
equals(Object) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.AltBeacon
Two detected beacons are considered equal if they share the same three identifiers, regardless of their mDistance or RSSI.
equals(Object) - function in org.altbeacon.beacon.AltBeaconParser
execute(Array) - function in android.os.ModelSpecificDistanceUpdater
execute(Runnable) - function in android.os.ModelSpecificDistanceUpdater
executeOnExecutor(Executor,Array) - function in android.os.ModelSpecificDistanceUpdater
ExtraDataBeaconTracker - class in org.altbeacon.beacon.service
Keeps track of beacons that have ever been seen and merges them together depending on configured beacon parsers Created by dyoung on 5/5/15.
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